1. Title

(a) The Club shall be called the WOODINGDEAN BOWLS CLUB

2. Address 

(a) The Headquarters of the Club is The Pavilion, Central Park, Kipling Avenue, Woodingdean, Brighton, Sussex.

3. Objects of the Club

The objects of the Club shall be-

(a) To Promote, Foster, Encourage and safeguard the level green game of Bowls.

(b) To Promote, Foster, Encourage and safeguard the Short Mat game of Bowls.

(c) To promote other Social and Recreational activities for the benefit of the Members of the Club.

(d) To maintain a Club for the accommodation of Members.

(e) To provide all the usual and necessary privileges, advantages, conveniences and accommodation of a Club.

(f) To promote the level green game of Bowls in accordance with the Rules of Bowls England and Sussex County Bowls and to Promote the Short Mat game of Bowls, in accordance with the Rules of The Short Mat Bowling Association.

4. General

(a) The Club shall be affiliated to and abide by the Rules of Sussex County Bowls. The Rules of the Club shall apply to the management of the Club insofar as the same are not inconsistent with the Rules of the aforesaid County Associations.

(b) The Club shall be an affiliated Section of the Woodingdean Community Association.

(c) A copy of these Rules shall be displayed in a prominent position within the Club premises.

(d) All members, both new and existing, shall be directed via a formal notice placed upon the General notice board, where a copy of the Club Rules can be viewed/read, said notice will list the location of every Copy of the Club rules.

5. Membership

Nomination of Candidates to Membership

(a) Club membership shall be open to Males and Females.

(b) A candidate for Membership shall send to the Club Secretary or the appropriate Section Secretary, the proper application form setting out his or her name and address, together with any other relevant information required and containing the signatures of two Members in support, both of whom shall have been Members of the Club for at least twelve continuous months.

(c) No person shall be admitted to Membership, or be admitted as a Candidate for Membership, or to any of the privileges of Membership without an interval of at least two weeks between their nomination or application for Membership, and their admission.

(d) The Application form/s showing the Names and Addresses of any persons proposed for Membership, shall be prominently displayed in the Club premises together with the names of their Proposer and Seconder and for not less than two clear weeks prior to the appropriate Elective Committee Meeting, at which such full Membership application will be considered.

(e) The General Elective Committee, Men’s Section Elective Committee or Ladies Section Elective Committee, shall take whatever steps it considers necessary to ascertain the suitability of a Candidate for Membership, and shall exercise its right to accept or reject an applicant without giving reasons for the said acceptance or rejection, and its decision shall be final.

(f) On acceptance, the Club Secretary or appropriate Section Secretary, shall advise the Candidate to this effect and send him/her a Membership card and advise him/her where a copy of the Rules can be found for viewing/ reading.

(g) A Member, upon admission to Membership, shall be deemed to have submitted themselves to the said Rules as laid out within the Club Rule Book (see Rule 5 (f).

(h) The General Committee shall have the power to restrict the number of Members of the Club at any time.

(i) In addition to Members of the Club and their bona fide guests, there may be admitted to the Club’s Registered premises, persons attending sporting events and Members and friends of Teams playing at the Club or against Members of the Club, on the days or days when such sporting events or matches are in progress and Alcohol may be supplied to them by or on behalf of the Club for consumption on the premises and not elsewhere, provided that Rule 21 (a) (b) (c) (d) (e) are strictly complied with.

6. Elective Committees

(a) The General Committee “Elective Committee” shall consist of the Club Chairman, the Club Secretary and one other member of the Committee to be elected.

(b) The Men’s Section “Elective Committee” shall consist of the Men’s Chairman, the Men’s Section Secretary and the Men’s Captain.

(c) The Ladies Section “Elective Committee” shall consist of the Ladies Chairwoman, Ladies Section Secretary and the Ladies Captain.

7. Types of Membership

(a) Any person may apply to be a Member of the Club.  Playing Members (subject to the provisions laid down in Rule 7 (d) as it relates to Junior Playing Members), are entitled to use the full amenities of the Club and shall have the right, provided they have attained the age of 18 years, to vote at General Meetings.

(b) A person may apply to be a Non-Bowling Member of the Club.  Non-Bowling Members are entitled to use the full amenities of the Club subject to Rule 21 (d) and shall have the right, provided they have attained the age of 18, to vote at the Club Annual General Meetings, or appropriate General Meetings, on any non- bowling matters.

(c) The number of Club Non-Bowling members shall not be relevant to the total number of Playing Members, and shall be decided by the General Committee.

(d) Any person under the age of 18 years may apply to be a Junior Playing Member of the Club. Junior Playing Members are not permitted to attend General Meetings but are otherwise entitled to use the full amenities of the Club, subject to Rule 21 (d), at the discretion of the General Committee.  The responsible Elective Committee will use their discretion whom to admit as a Junior Playing Member.

(e) Life Membership of the Club may be conferred as a distinction to persons who have given special service to the Club, and Life Members shall be elected at the Annual General Meeting.  Nominations for Life Membership shall be made to the General Committee, and if approved by the General Committee, shall be put to the Members ( of the Club at the Annual General Meeting.  Notice of the said nominations are to be posted on the General notice board for at least fourteen clear days immediately prior to the date of the Annual General Meeting.  Life Members shall be entitled to all the privileges of Playing Members of the Club, without paying a subscription.

(f) There shall not be, at any time, more than Five surviving Life Members.

(g) All Members of the Club shall, provided they have been members of the Club for at least twelve continuous months, be entitled to stand for Office within the Club and for Membership of a Committee.  With regard to Non-Bowling Members, such entitlement only relates to election to the General Committee.  This ruling does not apply to Junior Members.

(h) A list of all Members Names and Addresses shall be kept by the Club Secretary on the Club premises.  Lists shall also be kept by the Club Secretary showing the names and addresses of Members who are (1) Playing Members, (2) Junior Playing Members, and (3) Non-Bowling Members, together with the Names and Addresses of the Officers of the Club and the Names and Addresses of the Members of Committees, including the Committee concerned with the purchase and supply of Alcohol.

(i) The General Committee shall have the power to introduce any other classes of Membership as it thinks fit, subject to ratification at the next Annual General Meeting.

8. Discipline and Allegations of Misconduct

In all matters relating to discipline and allegations of misconduct, Bowls England regulation 9 will apply.

9. Complaints

All complaints shall be sent, in writing, to the Club Secretary.

10. Subscriptions

(a) The Annual rate of subscription for the following classes of Membership of the Club, shall be as determined at the Annual General Meeting each year, or at any emergency General Meeting called for that purpose, (1) Playing Members over the Age of 18 years. (2) Junior Playing Members under the age of 18 years.  (3) Non-Playing Members.

(b) Annual subscription will be due on the date of the Annual General Meeting, to be held each year in the month of March or April, and payable not later than the 14th April, otherwise Membership shall be forfeited.  Members joining after the Annual General Meeting shall pay:- Non-Bowling Members Membership- Club subscription pro-rata, Bowling Members – Club subscription pro-rata plus the Council Season (Green) ticket fee.

(c) Each new Member shall be required to pay an Entrance Fee as determined by the Annual General Meeting from time to time.

(d) Any Member failing to pay his or her annual subscription within the dates specified, shall be deemed to have forfeited their Membership by default, and shall cease to be a Member of the Club.  The Members name shall be erased from the list of Members. The General Committee shall have the power to reinstate a defaulting Member within the year of non-payment, upon being satisfied with the circumstances of the non-payment.

11. Members Liability

(a) Every Member on becoming a Member of the Club immediately and impliedly undertakes to comply with the Rules, Bye-Laws, and regulations of the Club.

(b) Each Member shall pay his or her subscription to the Club Treasurer within the prescribed period as laid down in Rule 10 (b), unless he or she has delivered to the Club Secretary before the end of the previous year, a written notice of his or her resignation or given other satisfactory reason.

(c) Any Member wishing to resign from the Club voluntarily must send a written notice to the Club Secretary.

12. Section and Section Committees

For the regulation of play, the Club shall be comprised of two Sections, the Men’s Section and the Ladies Section.  Each of the two Sections shall have its own Official Committee as follows:-

(a) The Men’s Section Committee

The Men’s Section Committee shall comprise of the Men’s Section Chairman, Men’s Section Secretary, Club Treasurer, Captain, Vice-Captains, Match Secretary, Section Delegate, the immediate Past Captain and three Male Members.

(b) The Ladies Section Committee

The Ladies Section Committee shall comprise of the Ladies Section Chairwoman, Ladies Section Secretary, Club Treasurer, Captain, Vice Captains, Section Delegate, the immediate Past Captain, a Catering Officer, and two Lady Members.

(c) All matters relating solely to the Men’s Section shall be conducted by the Men’s Section Committee, who will be elected annually at the Men’s Section Annual General Meeting.

(d) All matters relating solely to the Ladies Section shall be conducted by the Ladies Section Committee, who will be elected annually at the Ladies Section Annual General Meeting.

(e) Both the Men’s Section Committee and the Ladies Section Committee shall have the power to appoint one or more Sub Committees, each with their respective Chairperson, Secretary and terms of reference as it thinks fit. At least one Member of any Sub Committee must be a Member of the General Committee.  Five Members shall form a quorum at each of the Section Committee Meetings.

(f) Both Section Secretaries shall keep proper Minutes of the Meetings and General Meetings, which shall be duly read and approved at each ensuing Meeting, and be duly signed by the appointed Chairperson.

(g) Nominations for Membership to the Men’s Section Committee and the Ladies Section Committee shall be posted on the respective changing room notice boards of the Club at least 21 clear days prior to their respective Annual General Meeting.  Against each nomination shall be shown legibly, the name of the Proposer and the name of the Seconder, both of whom shall have been Members of the Club for at least 12 continuous months, together with the signature of the nominee showing that he/she is willing to stand for the Office so nominated.

(h) Notice of the Date and Time of either Section Annual General Meeting or other Section General Meeting shall be posted on the General notice board of the Club for a period not less than 21 clear days before the date of such Meeting.  The Agenda of the Meeting shall be circulated to all Members of each Section.

(i) The Annual General Meeting of the Men’s Section and the Ladies Section shall be held at the end of September in each year.  Fifteen months shall not elapse without a General Meeting.

(j) The Men’s Section Committee shall meet as necessary and at least Four times during each year, from the date of the Section Annual General Meeting.

(k) The Ladies Section Committee shall meet as necessary and at least Four times during each year, from the date of the Section Annual General Meeting.

13. Officers of the Club

The Officers of the WOODINGDEAN BOWLS CLUB shall be:-

(a) The Club President, the Club Chairperson, the Men’s Section Chairman, the Ladies Section Chairwoman, the Club Secretary, the Men’s Section Secretary, the Ladies Section Secretary, the Club Treasurer, the Club Match Secretary, the Men’s Section Captain, the Ladies Section Captain, the Men’s Section Delegate and the Ladies Section Delegate.  It is important for the Woodingdean Bowls Club to have a connection with the Woodingdean Community.

14. Management of the WOODINGDEAN BOWLS CLUB

The affairs of the Club shall be managed by the General Committee in accordance with these Rules and with the decisions of the Annual General Meeting, or other General Meeting, and shall be responsible for the observance and compliance of any statutory or any other legal obligation entered into by the Trustees of the Club, relating either to the management of the Club or the proper upkeep of the premises.

The General Committee

The General Committee shall comprise of the following Club Members:-

(a) The Club President, the Club Chairperson, the Club Secretary, the Club Treasurer, the Ladies Section Secretary, the Men’s Section Secretary, the Ladies Section Captain, the Men’s Section Captain, a Member of the Bar Sub Committee and at least two Lay Members from each Section.

(b) Apart from the two Captains, the Ladies Section Secretary, the Men’s Section Secretary, and with regard to the provisions laid down in Rule 14 (c) of these Rules in relation to the election of the Club President and the Club Chairman, every other Member of the General Committee shall be elected annually at the Annual General Meeting. The Member from the Bar Committee shall be elected in accordance with the provisions laid down in Rule 20 (a).

(c) The Club shall have a President who shall be elected every 3 years at the Annual General Meeting of the Club held each March/April.  The appointed President shall remain in Office for three years and shall not hold that Office again until a further 3 consecutive years have passed since such term of Office has ceased.  The Club Chairperson will be elected to the General Committee at the March Annual General Meeting and shall remain in Office for 3 years and shall not hold that Office again until a further 3 consecutive years has passed since such term of Office had ceased.  The period in Office shall not terminate in the same year.

(d) The General Committee shall have the power to appoint one or more Sub Committees, each with their respective Chairperson, Secretary and terms of reference as it thinks fit.  At least one Member of any Sub Committee shall be a Member of the General Committee.  It shall have the power to co-opt Members as and when necessary.  Five Members shall form a quorum at its Meetings.  All Members of the General Committee must be a Member of the Club for at least twelve continuous months.

(e) The General Committee may make, vary and revoke Bye-Laws provided they are not inconsistent with the Rules for the administration and control of the day-to-day internal affairs of the Club.  Bye-Laws of the Club shall be binding on all Members.

(f) The General Committee shall meet as necessary and at least four times during each year from the date of the Club Annual General Meeting.

(g) If a Member of the General Committee resigns, or is unable to continue in office, the General Committee shall be entitled to call upon a Member, who by a majority of the General Committee is considered suitable to fill the vacancy.  This position will continue only until the expiry of the year for which the outgoing Member was elected, and if that Member consents to fill the vacancy, he or she shall be treated by the General Committee and the Members of the Club as a full Member of the General Committee for the balance of the year.  This ruling shall also apply to the Men’s Section Committee and the Ladies Section Committee.

(h) The Club Secretary shall ensure that reasonable notice of each General Committee Meeting be given to each Member of that Committee, and shall keep proper Minutes of the Meetings which shall be duly read and approved at each ensuing Meeting and signed by the appointed Chairperson.

15. Annual General Meetings and General Meetings of the


(a) The Annual General Meeting of the Club shall be held at the end of March or beginning of April in each year, depending on the Easter Holidays, at a Date and Time to be fixed by the General Committee.  The business of the Annual General Meeting shall be:-

(1) The receipt of the Club Treasurer’s report, Balance Sheet and Annual Statement of Accounts together with the Bar Account, which shall have been audited and authenticated by the Auditor for the financial year ending on the preceding 31st December.

(2) The General Committee’s report.

(3) The Match Secretaries report.

(4) The Bar Committee report.

(5) The election of the Officers of the General Committee, Delegate to the Woodingdean Community Association and the election of the Club President and Club Chairperson, when necessary, and the appointment of the Club Auditor(s) for the ensuing year.

(6) To decide on any resolution which may be submitted to the Meeting as hereinafter provided.

(7) To deal with any other relevant business.

(b) Notice of the Date and Time of the Annual General Meeting, or other General Meeting, shall be posted on the General notice board of the Club for a period not less than twenty one clear days before the date of such Meeting.  The Agenda of the Meeting shall be circulated to all Members.

(c) Nominations for Membership to the General Committee shall be posted on the General notice boards at least twenty one clear days prior to the date of such Meeting.  Against each nomination, shall be shown legibly the name of the Proposer and the name of the Seconder, both of whom shall have been Members of the Club for at least twelve continuous months, together with signature of the nominee showing that he or she is willing to stand for the Office nominated.

(d) Any Member wishing to move any resolution to the Annual General Meeting shall give notice thereof, in writing, to the Club Secretary, not less than fourteen clear days before the date of such meeting.

(e) Apart from the two Captains, the Ladies Section Secretary, the Men’s Section Secretary and with regard to the provision laid down in Rule 14 (c) of these Rules in relation to the election of the Club President and the Club Chairperson, every other Member of the General Committee, apart from the Member of the Bar Sub Committee (see Rule 20 (a) of these Rules), shall be elected for one year only, although they will be available for re-election at each subsequent Annual General Meeting.

(f) Contested nominations at the Annual General Meeting and at the Men’s Section Annual General Meeting and at the Ladies Section Annual General Meeting shall be decided by ballot paper and by an ordinary majority.  Two Members will be elected at each of these Annual General Meetings to act as scrutineers provided they are not involved as a nominee being considered for any election to Office or Committee.

(g) At a ballot, papers will be destroyed if the members do not vote in accordance with the number of votes to be cast on the ballot paper.  If there is an equality of voting on any issue, the Chairperson of the Meeting shall have a casting vote.

(h) At all General Meetings of the Club, each Bowling Member present entitled to vote shall have one vote upon every motion. Non-Bowling Members shall have one vote on non-bowling motions and in the case of equality of votes, the Chairperson shall have a second or casting vote.

(i) At the Annual General Meeting, twenty one Members entitled to vote shall form a quorum.

(j) A Copy of the Club’s Annual Statement of Accounts, including the Bar Account duly audited, will be circulated at the Annual General Meeting to all Members present.

(k) The Club Secretary shall keep proper Minutes of the Annual General Meeting and other General Meetings which shall be read and approved at each ensuing Meeting, and duly signed by the appointed Chairperson.  These Minutes are to be displayed in a prominent position on the General Notice Board within a reasonable time after the said meeting.  The General Committee shall have the power to omit any sensitive material that may cause a Club Member either embarrassment or distress.

16. Special General Meetings:

(a) A Special General Meeting can be convened by the order of the General Committee, or upon receipt by the Club Secretary of a requisition signed by not less than ten Voting Members of the Club, setting out in detail the grounds upon which the Meeting is being sought to be convened.  Discussion shall be confined to the business set out on the Agenda of such Meeting.

(b) At least fourteen clear days’ notice of the calling of the Special General Meeting, shall be given to the Members of the Club by the posting of a notice on the General notice board of the Club, showing the calling of the Meeting, the Date and the Time of the Meeting and a notice of the business to be conducted at it.

17. Finances of the Club

(a) The Financial year of WOODINGDEAN BOWLS CLUB shall begin on the first day of January and shall end on the Thirty First day of December of the same year.

(b) At each Annual General Meeting of the Club held in March each year, the Club Treasurer shall submit his/her Annual Statement of Accounts and the Bar Account, the correctness of which shall have been certified by the appointed Club Auditor(s) who shall be duly appointed at each Annual General Meeting for the ensuing year.

(c) All Club monies shall be held in an Account with the National Westminster Bank PLC, or such Bank authorised by the General Committee under the title of WOODINGDEAN BOWLS CLUB.  Two signatures of either the appointed Club Chairperson, the Club Treasurer or the Club Secretary will be required to authorise Bank withdrawals.

(d) The Club Treasurer shall collect fees, subscriptions and other monies due to the Club and shall be responsible for the same.  He/she shall in all respects be charged with submitting any Financial return to the appropriate Authority, as may be required by Law.

(e) The Club Treasurer shall keep proper Accounts and receipts from which the Annual Statement of Accounts is submitted, together with the Bar Account and any Sub-Committee Accounts that may exist.

(f) The Club Auditor(s) shall audit and certify the Accounts of the Club and shall have the power to call for any document required in the preparation of those Accounts.

(g) All monies raised on behalf of the Club shall be used to further the interests of the Club.

18. Trustees of the Club

(a) There shall be Four Trustees of the WOODINGDEAN BOWLS CLUB who can be any Member of the Club with twelve months continuous Membership and deemed suitable by the General Committee, to act in this role until their circumstances change.  Trustees do not need to be re-nominated annually.

(b) Trustees shall be indemnified against all costs, charges and demands made against them by virtue of their duty.

(c) The appointed Trustees shall hold Office until death or such time as they resign, or until a resolution removing him or her from Office shall be passed by a two thirds majority of the Members present at a General Meeting.

(d) The appointed Trustees shall, in all respects, only act with regard to their entering into any commitment, or the signing of any document on behalf of the Club, as directed by the General Committee or any General Meeting (of which an entry in the Minutes shall be conclusive evidence).

(e) Any casual vacancy in the Office of Trustee may be filled by the General Committee.

(f) All Property of the Club, including any land, shall be held by the Trustees in their own names so far as is necessary for the use and benefit of the Club.

19. Alcohol. The Bar

(a) The Bar, under the terms of the Premises License issued by Brighton and Hove City Council, is authorised to sell alcohol to Members and Guests.  The supply of alcohol is for consumption on the premises.  The Licensing authorises the supply of alcohol to Members and Guests during the following times:

Mon-Sat 10.00 – 23.00, Sunday 12.00 – 22.30, Christmas Day 12.00 – 1500  & 19.00 – 22.30, Good Friday 12.00 – 22.30, New Years Eve 10.00 – 00.00 (if a Sunday 12.00 – 00.00) and New Years Day, 10.00 – 23.00 (if a Sunday 12.00 – 22.30).

The Bar Committee, with the approval of the General Committee, shall have the power to amend these hours provided they are within the limits permitted by the Premises License.

(b) No person shall be entitled to receive, at the expense of the Club or any Member thereof, any commission, percentage or similar payment on, or with reference to, purchase of Alcohol by the Club, nor shall any person, directly or indirectly, derive any pecuniary benefit from the supply of Alcohol on behalf of the Club to Members or lawful Guests, apart from any benefit accruing to the Club as a whole and apart from any benefit which a person derives indirectly by reason of the supply, giving rise to, or contributing to, a general gain from carrying on of the Club.

(c) The General Committee of the Club shall ensure that the Provisions of the Licensing Act 1964 and the Premises License and other relevant amendments that come into being from time to time, and any conditions attached to a Premises License granted to the Club, are adhered to in all respects.

(d) No Alcohol shall be consumed on the Club premises, other than that supplied by the Club.  Alcohol not purchased from the Club bar, may only be consumed on the Club premises when the bar is closed.

(e) No person (whether a Member or not) under the age of 18 years, shall be permitted to purchase or consume Alcohol on the Club premises.

20. The Bar Sub Committee

(a) The General Committee shall elect the Bar Sub Committee each year, within twenty eight days of that year’s AGM (Annual General Meeting).   The Sub Committee shall consist of at least four Members, all of whom must have been Members of Woodingdean Bowls Club for two consecutive years.  The General Committee will appoint one of the Bar Sub Committee as the Bar Manager, who shall carry out such duties as the title implies.

(b) The Bar Manager shall be responsible to the General Committee and shall be concerned with the purchase for the Club and with the supply of Alcohol, and shall be in no way restricted in freedom of purchase, save as may be necessary where any arrangement is entered into with a specific Brewery for the benefit of the Club.

21. Guest and Visitors to the Club

(a) A Member of the Club shall have the privilege of introducing up to two Guests, (for whose conduct while in the Club, the Member shall be held responsible) provided that such Guest/s has not been rejected by the General Committee or the Men’s Section Committee or the Ladies Section Committee, as a candidate for Membership, or has not been called upon as a Member to resign or has been expelled.

(b) A Member of the Club must sign in Guests in the Club Visitors Book, kept in a prominent place within the Club Premises.  Any Guest or Visitor, once signed in, that Guest or Visitor, provided that he or she is over the age of 18 years, may purchase Alcohol.  No Guest or Visitor may be admitted to the Club and signed in for the purposes of buying or consuming Alcohol more than six times in any one membership year.

(c) Members of any other Club visiting the Club Premises in connection with any Sporting event, any Social or other approved function, will be signed in, in the Club Visitors Book together with their bona fide Guests en bloc by a Member of the Club and those Visitors and Guests (provided they are over the age of 18 years) may be permitted to purchase Alcohol whilst visiting the Club for the purposes of a Bowls match, any other sporting event, Social or approved function.

(d) No person under the age of 18 years will be supplied with or sold Alcohol.

(e) Persons attending at the invitation of the General Committee, or approved by the General Committee, at the request of a bona fide Member, and functions not directly connected with the objects of the Club, are limited to not more than twelve occasions during any one year (from 1st January to 31st December).

22. Borrowing powers

The General Committee shall be empowered to borrow for the purposes of the Club, in any Calendar year, not more than Four Thousand Pounds (£4,000) or such other sum as may be from time to time determined by the Club at a General Meeting and at such rate of interest and in such form and manner and upon such security as the General Committee shall deem fit.  The Trustees of the Club shall, at the direction of the General Committee or General Meeting, make all such dispositions of the Club Property or any part thereof and enter into such agreements in relation thereto, as the General Committee or General Meeting may deem proper for giving security for such loans and interest.

23. Dissolution of the Club

(a) If at any General Meeting, a ‘Resolution of Intention’ for the dissolution of the Club shall be passed by a majority of the Members present and entitled to vote, such Resolution shall, at a Special General Meeting held not less than one Calendar Month thereafter (at which not less than one half of the Members shall be present), be confirmed by a Resolution passed by a majority of Two Thirds of the Members voting thereon and entitled to vote, the General Committee, or failing them, the Trustees of the Club, shall thereupon (or at such future date as shall be specified in such Resolution) proceed to take immediate steps to realise the assets of the Club.  After such realisation, they shall firstly discharge all debts and liabilities of the Club.  After such discharge, any balance shall be disposed of by the General Committee or, failing them, the Trustees of the Club.  At a General Meeting, the matter shall be resolved, and thereupon the Club shall be treated as dissolved.

(b) A copy of the Notice covering any General Meeting under this Rule, shall be sent by the Club Secretary, by post, to every Member not less than twenty one clear days before the date appointed for the Meeting.

24. Safeguarding

1. Woodingdean Bowls Club will maintain its safeguarding and Anti-Bullying Policies.

2. All Categories of Membership, as a qualification of membership, must adopt the Safeguarding Policies and Guidelines (or any subsequent policy) as adopted by Bowls England. 

3. Woodingdean Bowls Club will adopt Bowls England Regulation 2.5.2 and follow all policies and guidelines approved by Bowls England and U.K. Anti-Doping.  We follow all procedures set out in Bowls England Regulation 9, 9A and 9B.  We will abide with all sanctions, recommendations and/or decisions from the Case Management Panel or National Disciplinary Panel.

25. Alteration of Rules, Regulations and Bye-Laws and the Interpretation of the Rules of the Club

(a) No alteration, addition or revocation in the Rules of the WOODINGDEAN BOWLS CLUB can be made save by a Two Thirds majority vote at a General Meeting of the Club, which may be the Annual General Meeting or a Special General Meeting called under the terms of these Rules.  The Proposed alteration, addition or revocation of any Club Rule shall be notified to all Club Members at least fourteen clear days prior to the Meeting so called, by posting it on the General Notice Board of the Club.


(b) For the regulation of Play and other related matters, the General Committee, the Men’s Section Committee or the Ladies Section Committee may make, vary and revoke Bye-Laws, provided that they are not inconsistent with the Rules for the administration and control of the day-to-day internal affairs of the Club.  Such Bye-Laws will be binding on all Club Members.


(c) The General Committee shall be the sole authority for the interpretation of these Rules and the decision of the Committee upon any question of interpretation, or upon any matter affecting the Club and not covered by these Rules, shall be final and binding on all Members

Woodingdean Bowls Club Rules of the Ladies Section

The affairs of the Ladies Section of the WOODINGDEAN BOWLS CLUB shall be managed by the Ladies Section Committee in accordance with the Rules of the Club and the Section Rules, and the decisions of the Annual General Meeting, the Ladies Section Annual General Meeting and other General Meetings.

1. The Ladies Section Committee shall consist of

(a) The Ladies Chairwoman, the Section Secretary, the Club Treasurer, the Captain, the Vice Captains, Section Delegate, Catering Officer, and two lady Members, all of whom, with the exception of the Club Treasurer and Catering Officer, shall be elected at the Ladies Section Annual General Meeting.  These Members, together with the immediate Past Captain shall form the Committee. It shall have the power to appoint Sub-Committees and to co-opt any Member provided that such Members have been a Member of the Club for at least 12 continuous months.  Five Members shall form a quorum at its Meetings.

(b) No Member of the Ladies Section Committee shall have served less than twelve continuous months with the Club.

(c) Nominations for the Membership to the Ladies Section Committee shall follow the procedure laid down in Rule 12 (g) of the Club Rules.

(d) Application for Membership to the Ladies Section, (other than applying for Non-Bowling Membership), shall follow the procedures laid down in Rule 5 (c), (d) and (e) of Club Rules.

(e) The Ladies Section Committee shall have the power to appoint one or more Sub-Committees each with their respective Chairwoman, Secretary and terms of reference as it thinks fit.  At least one Member on any Sub Committee must be a Member of the Ladies Section Committee.  Any Member so co-opted must have been a Member of the Club for at least twelve months.

(f) The Ladies Section Committee, by a simple majority, may suspend or take any other action they deem necessary (other than expulsion) against any of their Members who acts in a manner adjudged not to be in the best interest of the Club.  The Member(s) against whom a complaint has been made, must be given the opportunity, upon seven clear days’ notice being given, to appear before the Committee in order, if she so wishes, to represent her case.  In the absence of any such representation (whether it be in person or in writing), from the Member(s) complained of, the Committee shall deal with the complaint in the Member(s) absence.  The Committees decision in the matter is final and not subject to appeal.  In the event that the Committee is of the opinion that the complaint is of such a serious nature they shall refer the matter to the General Committee of the Club, who shall take the appropriate action.

(g) The Ladies Section Committee shall meet as necessary and at least four times during each year from the date of the Section Annual General Meeting.

(h) The Ladies Section Committee shall appoint a Match Selection Sub Committee.  This Sub Committee shall consist of the Ladies Captain, Vice-Captain and any other Member duly co-opted by the Ladies Section Committee, provided that the Member(s) so co-opted, has/have been a Member(s) of the Club for at least twelve continuous months.

(i) It shall be the responsibility of the Match Selection Sub Committee, when selecting Club matches, that mixed matches are there to give everyone wishing to be considered for selection, a fair and equal opportunity to play.

(j) The Annual General Meeting of the Ladies Section shall be held at the end of September in each year.  Fifteen months shall not elapse without a General Meeting.

(k) Notice of the Date and Time of the Ladies Section Annual General Meeting or other General Meeting, shall follow the same procedures laid down in Rule 15 (b) of the Club Rules.

(l) A Special General Meeting of the Ladies Section shall be convened under the same procedures as laid down in Rule 16, (a)(b) with the exception that a requisition received calling for a Special General Meeting need only be signed by eight voting Members of the Section.  Discussion shall be confined to the business set out on the Agenda of such Meeting.

(m) The Ladies Section Secretary shall keep proper Minutes of the Meetings and General Meetings, which shall be duly read and approved at each subsequent Meeting and signed by the appointed Chairwoman.

(n) No alteration, addition or revocation to the Ladies Section Rules shall be made, except at a Ladies Section Annual General Meeting or other General Meeting, save by a two thirds majority called under the terms of the Rules.

(o) Any proposed alteration, addition or revocation to the Ladies Section Rules shall be notified to all Members of the Section by posting the Rule change(s) on the General Notice Board of the Club, at least 14 clear days before the date of the Meeting considering the change(s).

(p) The Ladies Section Committee may make, vary or revoke Section Bye-Laws that solely relate to the Ladies Section, provided that they are not inconsistent with the Rules of the Club.

(q) Every Member on becoming a Member of the Ladies Section, immediately and impliedly undertakes to comply with the Rules of the Club, Section Rules and Club Bye-Laws.

Woodingdean Bowls Club Rules of the Men’s Section

The affairs of the Men’s Section of the WOODINGDEAN BOWLS CLUB shall be managed by the Men’s Section Committee in accordance with the Rules of the Club, the Section Rules, and the decisions of the Annual General Meeting, the Men’s Section Annual General Meeting, and other General Meetings.

1. The Men’s Section Committee shall consist of:-

(a) The Men’s Section Chairman, the Club Treasurer, the Section Secretary, the Match Secretary, the Captain, the Vice Captain, Section Delegate and three Male Members, all of whom shall be elected at the Men’s Annual General Meeting, except the Club Treasurer who shall be elected at the Club Annual General meeting. These Members, together with the immediate Past Captain shall form the Committee.  It shall have the power to appoint Sub Committees and to co-opt any Member provided that such Members have been a Member of the Club for at least twelve continuous months.  Five Members shall form a quorum at its Meetings.

(b) No member of the Men’s Section Committee shall have served less than 12 continuous months with the Club.

(c) Nominations for the Membership to the Men’s Section Committee shall follow the procedure laid down in Rule 12 (g) of the Club Rules.

(d) Application for Membership to the Men’s Section (other than applying for Non Bowling Membership) shall follow the procedures laid down in Rule 5 (c)(d) and (e) of the Club Rules.

(e) The Men’s Section Committee shall have the power to appoint one or more Sub Committees each with their respective Chairman, Secretary and terms of reference, as it thinks fit.  At least one Member on any Sub Committee must be a Member of the Men’s Section Committee.  Any Member so co-opted must have been a Member of the Club for at least twelve continuous months.

(f) The Men’s Section Committee, by a simple majority, may suspend or take any other action they deem necessary (other than expulsion), against any of their Members who acts in a manner adjudged not to be in the interest of the Club.  The Member(s) against whom a complaint has been made must be given the opportunity, upon seven clear days’ notice being given, to appear before the Committee in order, if he so wishes, to represent his case.  In the absence of any such representation, whether it be in person or in writing, from the Member(s) complained of, the Committee shall deal with the complaint in the Member(s) absence.  The Committees decision in the matter is final and not subject to appeal.  In the Event that the Committee is of the opinion that the complaint is of such a serious nature, they shall refer the matter to the General Committee of the Club, who shall take appropriate action.

(g) The Men’s Section Committee shall meet as necessary and at least twice during each year from the date of the Section Annual General Meeting.

(h) The Men’s Section Selection Sub Committee shall consist of the Club Captain, Senior Vice Captain and Junior Vice Captain.  This Committee shall have the power to co-opt other Members for competitive fixtures.  Any Member of this Committee must have been a Member of the Club for at least twelve continuous months.

(i) It shall be the responsibility of the Match Selection Sub Committee, when selecting Club teams, to give everyone wishing to be considered for selection, a fair and equal opportunity to play.

(j) When considering the selection of the Club teams competing in the Brighton Hove and District Bowling League, the Match Selection Sub Committee, when deciding the team(s) or squad(s) for the side(s) competing in the highest Division of that League, will select the strongest team(s) squad(s) available.

(k) The Annual General Meeting of the Men’s Section shall be held at the end of September in each year.  Fifteen months shall not elapse without a General Meeting.

(l) Notice of the Date and Time of the Men’s Section Annual General Meeting or other General Meeting, shall follow the same procedures laid down in Rule 15 (b) of the Club Rules.

(m) A Special General Meeting of the Men’s Section can be convened by the order of the Men’s Section Committee or upon receipt by the Section Secretary, of a requisition signed by not less than eight voting Members of the Section, setting out, in detail, the grounds upon which the meeting is being sought to be convened.  Discussion shall be confined  to the business set out on the Agenda of such Meeting.

(n) At least Fourteen clear days’ notice of the calling of a Special General Meeting, shall be given to the Members of the Section by the posting of a notice on the General notice board of the Club, showing the calling of the Meeting, the Day and Time of the Meeting and a notice of the Business to be conducted at it.

(o) The Men’s Section Secretary shall keep proper Minutes of the Meetings and General Meetings which shall be duly read and approved at each subsequent Meeting and signed by the appointed Chairman. 

(p) No alteration, addition or revocation to the Men’s Section Rules shall be made, except at a Men’s Section Annual General Meeting or other General Meeting, save by a two thirds majority called under the terms of the Rules.

(q) Any proposed alteration, addition or revocation to the Men’s Section Rules shall be notified to all members of the Section by posting the Rule change(s) on the General notice board of the Club, at least 14 clear days before the date of the Meeting considering the change(s).

(r) The Men’s Section Committee may make, vary or revoke Section Bye-Laws that solely relate to the Men’s Section, provided that they are not inconsistent with the Rules of the Club.

(s) Every Member on becoming a Member of the Men’s Section, immediately and impliedly, undertakes to comply with the Rules of the Club, Section Rules and Club Bye-Laws.

2. Selection of All Club Representative Matches

(a) When deciding which Male Members are available for consideration for selection to play in any Brighton Hove and District Bowling League match, or other Club Representative match, the appointed Match Selection Committee shall only consider those Members who have played in at least FIVE friendly matches during the season preceding the season under consideration.  (This ruling will only apply to those Male Members who have been Members of WOODINGDEAN BOWLS CLUB for the full five months in the said preceding open season).

(b) The Match Selection Committee, when considering selection for League and other Club representative matches, will use their discretion in taking into account any extenuating circumstances put forward, which has prevented a Member from completing his FIVE friendly matches.

Woodingdean Bowls Club Bye-Laws

The General Committee together with the Men’s Section Committee and the Ladies Section Committee may make, vary and revoke Bye-Laws, provided that they are not inconsistent with the Rules of the Club, for the administration and control of the day-to-day internal affairs of the WOODINGDEAN BOWLS CLUB.  These Bye-Laws shall be binding on ALL Members.

1. Club Competitions

(a) The Club Competitions Committee shall comprise of three bowling members, each with at least 12 months continuous Bowling Membership.  One Member shall be from the Men’s Section and one Member from the Ladies Section, who are deemed suitable by the General Committee to take the responsibility for arranging Club Competitions.  To allow continuity, these two members need not be voted in annually and will continue to form part of the Competitions Committee until their circumstances change.  When a vacancy occurs, any Bowling Member deemed suitable by the General Committee, will be asked to take over this role.  The third Member of the Committee will be a member of the Men’s Section or Ladies Section, and will be appointed by the two initial Members of the Competitions Committee.

(b) The Competitions Committee shall be responsible for the “draw” of each competition and the proper running of the Club Competitions in line with the Club Competition Rules, and be responsible for arranging the Club Final Day(s).  The Committee shall resolve any questions or disputes that may arise in any Club Competitions and their decision shall be final.

(c) Any Member entering the Club Competitions must have a Green (Season) ticket.  Any Member who is unable to play on the appointed dates for the Triples or Two Wood Competitions or on Finals Day(s), are asked not to enter Competitions.  Should a situation arise, when having entered Competition(s), a Member finds that they are unable to meet their obligation(s), they are asked to advise the Members of the Competitions Committee immediately, who will consider the situation and any extenuating circumstances.

2. National and County Competitions


(b) If the County Competition draw provides the Club with Home ties in any Competitions, the allocation of rinks to those Members involved shall be by invoking the rules set down by Bowls England and the Laws of the Sport of Bowls, Paragraph 3.  These Rules will be displayed in the Clubhouse.

(c) If the County Competition draw provides the Club with more Home ties on a due date than there are rinks available, the Match Selection Committee shall conduct an “out of the hat draw” to allot the Home ties.

(d) The excess ties shall then be played firstly on a neutral green or greens, or secondly, on the opponents green.

(e) All Club matches and all Competitions shall be played in accordance with the Rules of Bowls England.  Bowls used shall be of regulation size, weight and bias and must be properly stamped in accordance with current regulations.

3. Dress on the Green and for matches

(a) All Members of the Club must wear white above the waist when bowling or officiating on the green or in any Club Competition, National or County Competition, or Club representative match.  White above the waist does include the wearing of W.B.C. (SCBA registered)/coloured Tops.  Shorts can be worn on the green in casual play.  (It is expected of all Members that when wearing whites above the waist, grey trousers/skirts will also be worn).

(b) The proper dress for any match shall be directed on the Match sheet.

(c) In hot weather, the Captain of the day will give permission to remove or loosen ties.

(d) Unless otherwise directed the wearing of black, grey, brown or white bowling shoes by Members shall be optional.

(e) No Member shall be allowed on the green unless he/she is wearing approved flat bowling shoes or “slip-overs”.

(f) Any Member wishing to smoke on the green during the course of play, must leave the green and stand well away from the other players near to him/her when doing so, so as not to cause annoyance.

(g) No smoking will take place within the Pavilion and only in designated areas outdoors.

(h) Any Member taking part in casual play/roll-up can, if he/she wishes, wear smart casual clothing (excluding team sport wear but including smart jeans).  The definition of smart casual clothing remains exclusively under the control of the General Committee.

4. The Bowls Green

(a) No play shall be allowed on the green before 11am on any Weekday, excluding Bank Holidays and weekends, when the start time shall be 10am.

(b) It shall be the responsibility of all Members to ensure that no Member or other person shall misuse or cause unnecessary damage to the green.

(c) The Decision of the green being “Fit for Play” will be the responsibility of the Green-keeper and/or the Captain of the Day.

(d) Before the Open Season begins, a Schedule showing the “Daily Direction of Play and Colour” shall be drawn up by a designated Member to cover the whole season.  The Schedule shall be strictly adhered to by all Bowling Members.  A copy will be displayed in the Club Pavilion and a daily entry made in the Rinks Booklet.  A change in the designated direction and colour of play may be allowed, ONLY on the Authority of either the Ladies or Men’s Captains or Vice Captains BUT ONLY when it involves any National or County Competitions (see Bye-Law 2), County Matches, Inter Club Competitions, Brighton & Hove District League matches, Annual Club and Ladies Invitation Tournaments, and Club Finals Day.  All other bowls played on the green which do not fall into these categories, including our Club Competitions, WILL be played according to the Schedule of “Daily Direction of Play and Colour”.

(e) Thursday shall be designated Club Evening of the week for practice and roll-ups. NO MORE than 3 rinks shall be allowed for the playing of Club Competitions. Any National or County Competitions designated to be played on this evening shall have first choice of rink (see Bye-Law 2).  An entry must be made in the Rink Reservation Booklet (see Bye-Law 5).

5. Rink Reservation Booklet

The Rink Reservation Booklet is to be used for all kinds of games or matches, except Club “roll-ups”.

6. Bowls, bags and clothing

Any Bowls bag and clothing are not to be left inside the Club premises other than in the Changing rooms or other allocated areas.

7. Identification of Bowls

All Bowls used by Members in any Club match, National or County Competition shall bear the Club sticker.

8. Total Membership of the Club

Total Club Membership is limited to a maximum as decided from time to time by the General Committee.  All persons applying for Membership after such limit has been reached, must wait until a vacancy occurs.  The General Committee will then decide who is given Membership.

9. Duties of Secretaries

The Club Secretary, Men’s Section Secretary and Ladies Section Secretary shall keep an up to date list of all Members of the Club/Section including their addresses and telephone numbers.

10. Duties of Club Treasurer

(a) In addition to the duties to be carried out by the Club Treasurer as laid down in the Rules of the Club, the Club Treasurer will issue to each Member, upon receipt of his/her annual subscription, a Club Membership card which will show the following details:-

1. Name of Member to whom it is issued

2. Date of issue

3. Period of issue

4. Membership number

The Club Member to whom it is issued will sign the Membership Card in the appropriate space.  The Club Treasurer will keep proper records showing the issue of Membership cards.  The Member will allow his/her card to be examined, upon request, by any Club Officer or other authorised person.

(b) No person under the age of 18 years shall purchase a raffle ticket when such raffle contains Alcohol in any form.

11. Attendance at the Green

(a) All Members selected to play must attend the green at least 15 minutes before commencement of play.

(b) Appointed Match Stewards are to be at the green at least 1 hour before commencement of the game, to ensure the correct set-up of equipment.  They are also required to remain AFTER the game, to return the equipment to the bowls store, take down the flag and activate the electric fence etc.

12. Club Trophies

All Club Trophies are the property of the WOODINGDEAN BOWLS CLUB and must be returned by the holder of each trophy to the Club Trophy Cabinet, immediately after presentation.

13. Officers Expenses

Unless otherwise decided, all appointments are Honorary but all Officers of the Club shall be reimburse for expenses paid out in pursuance of their duties as Officer of the Club, provided an Account is given to the Club Treasurer showing properly the expenses incurred together with a receipt where possible.

14. Disbursement of Club Finances

All monies raised on behalf of the Club shall be used to further the interests of the Club.

15. Invitations received from other Bowls Clubs for the Club or Club Members to take part in their Tournament/Competitions

(a) When the Club has, by invitation, entered a team or teams and the Club has paid the initial entrance fee or a percentage of the entry fee, then any monies won, or a percentage of any monies won, shall be paid into Club funds.

(b) In the event that, (a) applies then that Member or Members representing the Club, shall be reimbursed out of any monies won, any expenses incurred as a result of playing in the invitation Tournament/Competition.

(c) In the Event that, (a) applies, and the Member would rather than receive any monetary expenses incurred, and in the absence of any replica being awarded by the Tournament/Competition Committee shall, if he/she so wishes, be awarded a suitably engraved replica to be paid out of the monies won, provided that the cost of such a replica does not exceed the total monies won.


The Club Tour Committee will consist of at least five volunteers who have been members of the Club for at least 12 consecutive months and are deemed suitable by the General Committee to undertake the role.  Regular reports must be made to the General Committee.


The Annual rate of Subscription for Bowling Membership of Woodingdean Bowls Club (Senior and Junior) shall automatically include the cost/expense of the purchase of a City Council “Season Ticket (Green Ticket)”.